GRAY'S Professional Local Dog Grooming Service. "'Because your dog deserves the Best!"
"The Va Va Voom in a Groom"

The Quality Care Your Pet Deserves
Terms & Conditions.
Please read the terms and conditions below, Carefully before making a booking!
Updated 20/12/21
Current Vaccinations / Veterinarian information.
I agree to providing information/ Proof of current vaccinations & Veterinary information on request by Teddy bear Grooming.
Health or Medical Problems & Elderly Dogs:
I give permission to Teddy Bear Grooming to obtain immediate Veterinary treatment for my dog should they believe it to be necessary. I agree to cover all expenses for any such veterinary care.
I agree to rescheduling my grooming appointment if my dog has a flea or tick infestation. If fleas are found on my dog I consent to it being bathed with flea shampoo, I understand that a flea infestation may cause temporary suspension of Teddy bear Grooming services and consent to paying a £30 surcharge on my grooming bill to cover the expense of additional disinfection measures required by Teddy Bear Grooming bill to cover the expense of additional disinfection measures required by Teddy Bear Grooming, if ticks are found.
Coat Condtion and matted Coats:
Teddy Bear Grooming practice humanity over vanity. I agree as a dog owner that the health and welfare of my dog are my
responsibility, including but not limited to the condition of my dogs coat. I understand that the level of matting is not always possible to identify at the pre-groom consultation, and only becomes apparent when the groom is underway. If the groomer believes the level of matting means it is kinder to remove the coat than to de-matt, in accordance with the animal welfare act 2006. I consent to this being done at any point during the groom. I understand the groomer will make reasonable efforts to contact me to discuss this option beforehand, but that it is not always possible to speak, I understand the groomer may not be able to achieve my desired look as a result of coat condition.
Aggressive or Dangerous Dogs:
I will truthfully inform the groomer of any instances or triggers that may lead to my dog becoming anxious and/or aggressive during the groom, and I will agree an appropriate plan for the the dog to become accustomed to the grooming process. In the case of my dog biting or attempting to bite. I agree to the groomer applying a muzzle to my dog, & to stopping the groom at any point the groomer feels necessary in the interest of both dog and groomer, and to me paying for the full cost of the groom. If my dog bites , I shall be liable for any and all related medical bills, recovery costs, loss of income and equipment damage.
I understand that all prices assume a reasonable condition and temperament, and that additional charges will apply for the extra time and products involved in grooming neglected coats, in -particular those which require clipping off due to severe matting and for dogs whose temperament or health also requires more time to complete. I understand that a quoted price are a lower limit based on the dogs size (catergorised using a mix of weight , height , and breed criteria) and that additional costs may be incurred if the dog requires longer due to condition of coat , behaviour issues and so forth.
No shows /Missed appointments:
I consent to paying 100% charge if I cancel within 48 hours of my appointment, or if I do not show for my scheduled appointment and have not give any notice to the groomer at any time. I understand that if I am a new customer and cancel the first appointment within 48 hours of the scheduled time, that the groomer will make a note of this against my customer record rather than charge me the full cost of the groom, and accept that this offer may be withdrawn at any time at the sole disgression of the Owner of Teddy bear grooming services, and I will be liable for 100% of the grooming cost.
Use of photos:
I understand that photos of my pet may be taken during the grooming appointment , and will be stored in a secure , password protected database. These photos are to show current condition, health concerns or a preferred style of coat. I understand that photos may be taken in case an injury occurs , to help understand the beginning condition of the coat, the nails or any health ailments with the pet to determine why this injury happened in the case of injury. I consent to Teddy bear grooming sharing these photos with the appropriate parties, including but not limited too, the overseeing veterinarians office. I consent to Teddy bear grooming using photos of my pet for marketing purposes , including but not limited too, on the website or social media sites.
Hold harmless agreement;
I agree to hold Teddy bear grooming , its owners , employees, and directors harmless from any damage, loss , or claim arising from any damage, loss or claim arising from any condition of the dog, either known or unknown to them. I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement, and acknowledge these can change at any time , without notice, and will overwrite any prior versions. I understand this clause applies to any and all dogs groomed.