Some dogs show affection through their faces:
Although dogs can't smile the way a human does they still try to communicate through their faces. Dogs tend to raise their inner eyebrows much more dramatically this sympathetic, adorable expression is thought to induce feelings of care and nurturing in their human owner. Turning their head side to side when they listen to what you are saying to them to show they are trying to understand your conversation with them.
Sharing toys is another way that dogs express love. If your dog brings you their wet tattered toy, it may , mean more than you think it does.
You have no interest in your dogs wet tattered tennis ball, but their willingness to share it with you is a sign of true affection. If you dog drops and shares its toys with you it is a sign they care about you, leaving them by your feet.

If a dog can tell you need comfort they care about you: A dog may climb onto your lap if they sense you are unhappy. Most dogs are very intune with their owners emotions, if they sense you are struggling with something they will cuddle up to you, rest their head on you or just find a way to be closer to you during those times. Dogs use cuddling to bond with their owners on a chemical level. If a dog wants to snuggle up with you, they are probably feeling love, nuzzling is mimicking maternal affection this activity releases feeling good hormone oxytocin in both humans and dogs, so its obvious you will feel good while these hormones are bing released.
If you are laying down and your dog licks you: If your dog licks you while you and lying down or sleeping it is because they are and are worried about you, some dogs will lick and nuzzle your face desperately if they think you are unconscious or unresponsive, dogs can freak out if you play dead or lie down to take a nap, they are showing how much they care about you, and worry if you sleep to long and an usual time, dogs are creatures of habit..
Staring in to your eyes
Other ways your dog shows Love & Affection!
Eye contact
Bringing Toys
Wagging Tails: Your dogs tail can show many emotions such as happiness, fear or that they are about to participate in an immense attack. Most people think that dogs wagging tails can be a friendly gesture and whilst it can be, a stiff tail over their back is not friendly and is a warning sign. A full body wag, wiggle, tail at mid height and doing circling motions signals that they are happy and excited.
Eye contact - Eye contact in a loving relationship is a sign your dog is trusting you and loves you.
However eye contact with a dog that isn't yours can sometimes be considered as a challenge or a threat so think before you engage in eye contact with an unfamiliar dog. Dogs avoid prolonged stares and will most likely turn their head away to avoid any confrontation. Think twice about staring dogs in their eyes.
Dogs jumping up when you return home: This is a sign they missed you and want to get closer to you. Although jumping up visitors can be consider antisocial especially if the visitor doesn't personally know your dog. Try to train your dog not to jump up.
Following: Does your dog follow you room to room? This is because they want to protect you and be by your side and they love you. But this behaviour can lead to separation anxiety in some dogs if you leave the house and they are left alone for any long periods of time. This is why some owners believe caging stops anxiety but it is a personal preference whether you cage your dog or not.
If your dog nudges you - If your dog nudges you it is a sign they want affection or want to play they are communicating with you, this way of nudging or touching you with there nose or muzzle is a way to communicate want they need from their owners. Looking out for these signs can ensure that you and your dog have a long healthy and happy life together.

Understand your dogs language:
Learn to understand your dogs language and understand each others needs.
Whilst it is easy for humans to show love and affection for their dogs , dogs show their love through body language and actions.
Mans Best Friend: Dogs are know as mans best friend and are a constant companion that will show you a considerable amount of unconditional love, so that is why it is important you bond with your dog, it can be done through playing, training and just living together and knowing what to look for when they are trying to communicate, this is vital for a happy bond for many years to come.
I hope you enjoyed the blog.
21/12/21 Teddy Bear Grooming